At CosMedic Skincare, we don’t use just one acne treatment as a universal cure. Though the main causes of acne all stem from accumulated oil, dead skin cells, and clogged pores, Dr. Jodie Reinertson performs a physical exam during the consultation process, assesses which type or types of acne you are suffering from, and creates a customized treatment plan that can help to provide you with cleaner, clearer skin.
Dr. Reinertson offers a number of acne treatment options to her patients as alternatives to traditional pharmaceutical options. Isolaz Therapy with Deep Pore Purification can remove bacteria and other contaminates within the pores as well as surface buildup on the skin that can lead to future breakouts. The MicroPeel designed by our skin care specialist can help revive the appearance of the skin by eliminating bacteria that causes acne breakouts and dead skin cells, allowing healthier skin to emerge. Finally, BBL (also known as Photofacial/Fotofacial) therapy can harness the power of intense broad-spectrum light to improve the appearance and severity of acne, helping to diminish undesired red marks, pigment, and scarring.
Ultimately, the best treatment (or combination of treatments) for you will depend on your specific type(s) of acne and the extent of your condition. Following a thorough evaluation, Dr. Reinertson will be able to determine the most effective course of action based on your unique needs. To schedule a consultation, please contact us today.